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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Glory - On The Air (1970 us, stunning hard stoner rock, 2001 vinyl edition)

Glory was probably San Diego's longest-lived underground rock band. Formed in the late sixties, Glory played their brand of straight ahead, kick ass rock and roll until the early 80's at which time guitarist Jerry Raney formed the prolific Beat Farmers.

"On The Air" was recorded live in 1970 during a broadcast from the studios of San Diego's "underground" radio station KPRI. The result is an "in your face" performance built around their amazing rhythm section and led by wailing guitars and incredibly powerful vocals.

Great original tunes like "Morning Ride", "Slow Back" and "Another Man Done Gone" shows that these boys were street wise and nail tough. They also do justice to classic rock tunes like Bo Diddley's "Who Do You Love" which they transform into what sounds like an evil threat from a serial killer.

Overall the LP is dark but energetic and shows why Glory earned their well deserved reputation as rock and roll mercenaries 
1.Mornin' Ride (Jerry Raney, Jack Butler, Mike Millsap) - 3:23
2.Who Do You Love (Ellis McDaniels) - 4:22
3.Slow Back (Mike Millsap, Jerry Raney, Jack Butler, Jack Pinney) - 5:43
4.Another Man Done Gone (Public Domain) - 5:36
5.It Really Doesn't Matter (Jerry Raney) - 4:15
6.Come On Down (Mike Millsap, Jerry Raney, Jack Butler, Jack Pinney) - 4:30
7.Cantaloupe Moon (Jerry Raney) - 3:24
8.Bird Run (Jerry Raney) - 3:46
9.Little Queenie (Chuck Berry) - 5:51

The Glory
*Mike Millsap - Vocals
*Jack Butler - Bass
*Jack Pinney - Drums
*Jerry Raney - Guitar
*Jeff Jones - Guitar

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  1. all gritty & fuzzy & rough & ready yet formidably skillful on the lead guitar...thanks!

  2. Great classic rock album. Thx Marios!

  3. Marios, just curious, are these files redbook or hi-res?

  4. Hi DanP, it's a normal Vinyl transfer to a digi lossless format, you can call it redbook but not hi-res.
    Thank you
