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Monday, January 25, 2016

Blackwater Park - Dirt Box (1972 germany, sensational heavy psych prog rock, 2015 remaster)

Hard 'n' heavy guitar rock from Berlin, 1971, with 'no-messin' attitude, overloaded guitar, and english vocals. Includes a cover of the Beatles "For No One", and a mini epic 8 min work-out "Rock Song".

Another one of those German bands with a British vocalist. The line-up was Richard Routledge (vocals, guitar), Michael Fechner (guitar), Andreas Scholz (bass, he came from the recently disbanded Murphy Blend!) and Norbert Kagelmann (drums). "Dirt Box" had a promisingly weird cover. The material written by Fechner and Scholz ("Mental Block", "Rock Song" and "Indian Summer") was the best, recalling the brilliance of Armaggedon. 

Routledge's material tended towards boogie blues and sounded more like Free. He also wrote all the lyrics. The album also included a good cover version of the Beatles' "For No One". How the hell did such? an awesome sounding band record only one album ???

Recorded over 4 days in december 71 and released in 72 this 7 track 35 minute album from Germanys Blackwater Park simply rocks. Fabulous basic production gives these high energy hard rockin' tunes extra impetus. Track one features hammond and track five has some rock 'n' roll style piano, the last track is 'For no one' from the Beatles Revolver album but centrepiece goes to the 8m 42s track 'Rock Song' driven along by a frantic riff, it's eastern infused middle section leading into a fantastic call and response guitar solo created by just useing a bit of reverb which will have you reaching for your air guitar. 
by Mark Jones
1. Mental Block - 3:16
2. Roundabout - 5:26
3. One's Life - 3:08
4. Indian Summer - 6:13
5. Dirty Face - 4:29
6. Rock Song - 8:45
7. For No One (Lennon, McCartney) - 3:30
All songs by Blackwater Park except where stated

The Blackwater Park
*Richard Routledge - Vocals, Guitar
*Michael Fechner - Guitar
*Andreas Scholz - Bass
*Norbert Kagelmann - Drums

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  1. I sometimes wonder what it was like to be a music lover in the seventies. So many bands with so many records and so many of them obscure…was it as big a treat as it is today to find something incredibly rare. They recorded only one album in Windrose Studios during December 1971, German hard rock outfit with an English vocalist,combined elements from multiple extant and budding rock subgenres to construct their complex sound: hard rock, blues-rock, jazz-rock, acid rock, prog rock, and even proto-metal. Blackwater Park is an obscure band that emerged from the Berlin underground scene,their unique album "Dirt Box" 1971, published on BASF in 1972. The group delivers a captivating, effective bluesy-heavy rock "trip" with lot of incisive guitar riffs, progressive Hammond Organ's arrangements, melodic heavy vocals and psychedelic effects that are part of the mix. His British singer had a strong voice. Especially the third and heavy track "Indian Summer", which clearly shows us the quality, engaging and virtuosity among its members. Remember that the last song is beautiful version of "For No One", composed by Lennon and McCartney,with the album 'Revolver' issued in 1966. On the whole, Dirt Box is a very addictive album, especially if you’re in the mood for rocking out, or just for some good old plain fun. Whether you are a hardened fan of this type of music or a newbie just starting out, Blackwater Park made an album to satisfy both parties,with strong performances all ‘round and great accessibility kraut power band whose work is essential for collectors. "Dirt Box" has been reissued on CD by "Second Battle".

  2. I had heard that the singer after hearing the album went insane.
