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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wishbone Ash - Argus (1972 uk, guitar rock masterpiece, 2013 SHM remaster)

Argus was a milestone release for the band. who invented the twin guitar sound. Released on April 28, 1972 Argus transformed Wishbone Ash into international stars – at the third time of trying. Pooled from the London-based combo’s disparate backgrounds in hard rock, folk and crisp, electric blues, its soothingly evocative strains introduced a pioneering twin-guitar approach that was adopted by countless other bands. So extraordinary was Argus that its popularity became a bugbear for the band in the coming years. 

Struggling to come to terms with the success it had brought them, Ted Turner, the younger half of their inspirational guitar team, elected to quit after one further album. And yet 42 years later, Argus remains so fresh, vibrant and enduringly popular that two different permutations of the group recently performed the record in its entirety on respective British tours. 

Entwined business-wise with Miles Copeland, a brash, fast-talking American [who later emerged as manager of The Police], Ash signed a deal with MCA Records, after none other than Ritchie Blackmore recommended them to producer-cum-A'n'R man Derek Lawrence Ash’s Andy Powell had impressed Deep Purple’s Man In Black when the pair performed a bizarre, spontaneous guitar battle during a soundcheck at Dunstable Civic Hall in May 1970.........
1. Time Was - 9:44
2. Sometime World - 6:56
3. Blowin' Free - 5:19
4. The King Will Come - 7:08
5. Leaf And Stream - 3:55
6. Warrior - 5:54
7. Throw Down The Sword - 5:56
8. No Easy Road - 3:37
9. Jail Bait (Live From Memphis) - 4:55
10.The Pilgrim (Live From Memphis) - 10:09
11.Phoenix (Live From Memphis) - 17:06
All songs composed by Andy Powell, Martin Turner, Ted Turner, Steve Upton
Bonus Tracks 8-11

The Wishbone Ash
*Martin Turner - Bass, Vocals
*Andy Powell - Guitar, Vocals
*Ted Turner - Guitar, Vocals
*Steve Upton - Drums
*John Tout - Organ

1972-2001  Wishbone Ash - Tracks

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  1. An all-time classic! Thanks very much...

  2. A must have album from WISHBONE ASH...

  3. The greatest guitar album ever: period!

    1. Over Jimi Hendrix? I think rather not. Or Jeff Beck, Clapton's great period, etc. Let's just agree it was a very, very good album with quite tasteful guitar work.
