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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stained Glass - Crazy Horse Roads (1969 us, blazing fuzz guitars and psych touches, 2007 xpanded edition)

Produced by John Gross and Max Hoch, 1968's "Crazy Horse Roads" is absolutely wonderful. Largely written by McPherson, at least to my ears, material such as 'Sing Your Song', 'Finger Painting' and 'Soap and Turkey' offers up a near perfect blend of instantly memorable melodies with great group harmonies and a wicked mix of blazing fuzz guitars and psych touches.

The material's highly commercial, but with more than enough muscle to appeal to folks who shun top-40 with a passion. The heavily orchestrated 'Twiddle My Thumbs' and ' 'Nightcap' were among the few missteps. The two songs were certainly pretty, but McPherson's atypical quivering falsetto delivery makes them sound like Bee Gees outtake (though both could've been hits had the latter released them).

Personal favorites - the blazing fuzz rocker 'Light Down Below' and the disconcerting last track 'Doomsday'. Elsewhere Capitol tapped the rocker 'Fahrenheit' b/w 'Twiddle My Thumbs' as a single (Capitol catalog number 2372). Well worth the investment if you can find a copy and the LP's rapidly gaining a following in collecting circles.
1. Sing Your Song - 2:05
2. Finger Painting (Jim McPherson, Bob Rominger) - 2:11
3. Soap and Turkey - 2:39
4. Twiddle My Thumbs - 2:40
5. Fahrenheit (Jim McPherson, Bob Rominger, Dennis Carriacsco) - 3:43
6. Nightcap - 2:55
7. Horse On Me - 2:18
8. Two Make One - 3:10
9. Light Down Below - 3:22
10.Piggy Back Ride and the Camel (Jim McPherson, Bob Rominger, Dennis Carriacsco)- 2:10
11.Doomsday - 4:23
12.If I Needed Someone - 2:06
13.How Do You Expect Me To Trust You? - 2:09
14.My Buddy Sin - 2:33
15.Vanity Fair - 2:50
16.We Got A Long Way To Go - 2:57
17.Corduroy Joy - 2:31
18.A Scene In Between - 2:28
19.Mediocre Me - 2:34
20.Lady In Lace - 2:41
All songs by Jim McPherson except where stated
Bonus Tracks 12-20

Stained Glass
*Jim McPherson - Bass Guitar, Vocals, Keyboards
*Dennis Carriasco - Drums
*Bob Rominger -- Lead Guitar (1966-68)
*Tom Bryant - Lead Guitar (replaced Bob Rominger)

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  1. I hate to sound ungrateful, but that DepositFiles site, which I've used before, breaks down about 80 percent of the time, then tells you you've exceeded your limit with a very long time to wait before being able to try again, and then it breaks down again. When you do get a clean download, they throttle their files so heavily, that, well, I'm unable to break past 30 kbs. That's slow by any measure, but a 308 megabyte file makes it truly intolerable.

    What I mean to say is, surely you can find a better outfit, and far less mean spirited to upload your files to.

  2. Hi

    For anyone reading, the bonus tracks are not in the correct order. They actually are:
    12.Lady In Lace (non-LP A-side, Bonus Track) - 2:41
    13.If I Needed Someone (non-LP A-side, Bonus Track) - 2:06
    14.How Do You Expect Me To Trust You? (non-LP B-side, Bonus Track) - 2:09
    15.My Buddy Sin (non-LP A-side, Bonus Track) - 2:33
    16.Vanity Fair (non-LP B-side, Bonus Track) - 2:50
    17.We Got A Long Way To Go (non-LP A-side, Bonus Track) - 2:57
    18.Corduroy Joy (non-LP B-side, Bonus Track) - 2:31
    19.A Scene In Between (non-LP A-side, Bonus Track) - 2:28
    20.Mediocre Me (non-LP B-side, Bonus Track) - 2:34

  3. In case of misunderstanding - No criticism of Marios intended

  4. Hi Marios. One of the Free Text links is dead and Google says the other contains "harmful software". Could you put up new links for this? Thanks!
