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Monday, May 5, 2014

B.L.O. - Chapters And Phases, The Complete Albums (1973-75 nigeria, amazing afro acid funk fusion rock, 2009 remaster)

There’s a charming contemporary newspaper clipping reproduced in the sleevenotes of Chapters & Phases which bears the heading: “Blo: A Date To Blow Your Mind Off”. Whatever disquieting mental image this conjures forth, rest assured that this compilation amply answers your prayers if you’ve been craving a band capable of combining the sticky, lopsided funk of The Meters with the loose cannon edginess of Malcolm Mooney-era Can.

Ostensibly inspired by their tenure in Salt with Ginger Baker, guitarist Berkely Jones and drummer Laolu Akintobi recruited bassist Mike Odumosu and set about casually turning Nigeria on its ear. The Lagos-based Blo made their live debut on 23 December 1972, supporting Osibisa at Lagos City Stadium and, by all accounts, blowing the headliners clean through the back wall with their ballsy, wayward “Afro-delia”.

A debt to Cream is indeed detectable in Odumosu’s bubbling, rude, upfront bass and the wah-wah extrapolations of Jones, but the overall tone of expansive joy is the polar opposite of Cream’s combative, murderous intensity. If anything, We Are Out Together, It’s Gonna Be A Good Day and Do It You’ll Like It are closer in spirit to the communal craziness of Sly & The Family Stone and Parliament.
by Marco Rossi
Chapter One 1973
1. Preacherman (Berkely Ike Jones) - 4:43
2. Time to Face the Sun (B. Ike Jones) - 4:04
3. Beware / We Gonna Have a Party  (Mike Odumosu, Berkely Ike Jones, Laolu Akintobi) - 4:08
4. Don't (B. Ike Jones) - 3:24
5. Chant to Mother Earth (Mike Odumosu) - 6:15
6. (Intro) We Are out Together (Instrumental) (Berkely Ike Jones) - 2:02
7. We Are out Together (Berkely Ike Jones) - 2:46
8. Miss Sagitt (Instrumental) (Berkely Ike Jones) - 4:47
Phase II 1975
9. BLO (Mike Odumosu) - 5:26
10.It's Gonna Be a Good Day (Laolu Akintobi) - 4:16
11.Native Doctor (Berkely Ike Jones) - 5:16
12.Do It You'll Like It (Berkely Ike Jones) - 3:42
13.Don't Take Her Away from Me (Jackson, Akinitobi, Nyam, Jones) - 4:30
14.Whole Lot of Shit (Berkely Ike Jones) - 5:15
15.Atide (Laolu Akintobi) - 3:03

*Berkely "Ike" Jones - Guitar, Vocals
*Mike Odumusu - Bass, Vocals
*Laolu "Akins" Akintobi - Conga, Drums, Vocals
*Segun Bucknor - Piano
*Joni Haastrup - Organ
*Friday Pozo - Conga

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  1. i LOVE this album. i have it on CD and it's highly recommended. thanks Marios!

  2. Do you realise this site has so many out-dated plug-ins that it locks up for 2 minutes before anyone can read it! I recommend removing that smartchatbox as it doesn't work, and neither does the clock!

  3. hi marios, any chance of an update on this alot about them, and the fact that you have a copy (of course!) makes me hopeful...thanks my friend

    1. tomconstanten, "B.L.O. - Chapters And Phases:, fixed!
